Clients and Coaches alike have changed their lives with my Rapid Fat Loss Calculator.

"We have had phenomenal client results. On average, clients lose at least 5kg in 4 weeks in our group coaching program."

"Many clients have lost much more than this! We based a whole arm of our business around what we learnt from Martin and by using the Rapid Fat Loss Calculator we have had phenomenal client results.

Clients who have “tried everything” are suddenly getting results.

The calculator does so much of the work for us and saved us so much time.

Martin was even happy to give us advice on our group coaching program and we made had our most financially successful intake yet!

We can’t recommend this enough for other coaches and even clients!"

- Sam & Kelly, SK Nutrition

"Martin's Aggressive Dieting Calculator helped me shift 60lbs!"

"I used the Rapid Fat Loss Calculator & it's been amazing - it really has helped me shift 60lbs now! 🎉

I've still had treats, meals out & the occasional glass of wine! I haven't felt like I've missed out on anything & haven't felt starved!

I had a break & didn't put any weight on while I wasn't actively dieting - feeling really motivated & positive!"

- Joy

"I've been able to get more ripped than I ever had before"

"I've used the Aggressive Diet Calculator mostly in two ways:

1) To help plan my cutting phase leading up to the summer to lose fat while keeping my muscle. This is partially for aesthetic reasons but also used it ahead of fitness events like half marathons / hyrox etc so I could drop unnecessary weight.

2) Used it to plan my macros when I wanted to eat maintenance.

I've been able to get more ripped than I ever had before, even when I've used an online coach. It also takes away a lot of mental stress - all I have to do is follow what the calculator says and I know I'm on track. I don't need to keep second guessing.

I've recommended it to any and everyone."

- Michael

"As the results were quick, it improved my motivation"

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator for the first time about 2 years ago. I saw great success. It made life simple as less decisions to make about meals, food and just have the boundaries I like. The calculator gave me confidence in calories and made me focus on the protein figure. I stuck to it for the 4 weeks. As the results were quick, it improved my motivation."

- Rowena

"The calculator has been an invaluable tool!"

"I have lost a stone since implementing the aggressive diet principles using the calculator to give me a place to start in terms of calories and a protein goal given my goals and activity levels.

I've done a 5-week stint and the weight is still dropping whilst maintaining lean body mass and good energy levels. I've even been able to continue building on my powerlifting totals.

It's been a really great opportunity to find practical ways to fit an aggressive diet phase into daily life. I can really see this approach suiting me and many of my clients as a way to reduce or maintain weight over time, by incorporating it periodically as needed.

The calculator has been an invaluable tool!"

- Angie

"I changed my body composition and lost 9kg!"

"I've used the Aggressive Diet Calculator personally and found that it gave me the tools to make the most out of an aggressive cut, and it didn't judge me. I was able to change my body composition by adhering to the ADC in short stints. I ramped up my fat loss and managed to lose 9kg without losing a massive amount of muscle mass."

- Eliera

"The Aggressive Diet Calculator helped me with my fat loss journey"

"The Aggressive Diet Calculator helped me with the initiation of a long fat loss journey after a long, post-injury recovery."

- Anas

"I am two stone lighter and much happier!"

"I used the calculator and was successful in losing weight for the first time in years. I have used it on and off for almost a year and a half now. I am two stone lighter and much happier. I use it to keep me on track when I feel like i'm falling back into old habits"

- Olga

"Client was delighted with a significant drop in body weight"

"I tried the Aggressive Diet approach for a client who needed to drop in body weight in a short period. Client was delighted. Was able to drop significant body weight and then hit maintenance in a short period of time."

- Meirion

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator to lose 10kg with complete ease"

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator to lose 10kg with complete ease. Despite recent obstacles, I have managed to keep 6.5kg off. I cannot wait for the updated version."

- Matt

"A faster rate of weight loss than I normally experience"

"I've used previous versions of Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator & have so far lost 4kg in 4 weeks. Which is a faster rate of weight loss than i normally experience in a smaller deficit. all the benefits Martin's listed are true too! I never thought I'd feel full consuming 800-900 calories."

- Zoe

"Overall I've lost 10.6kg and I'm managing to maintain it!"

"I think I did so well with your aggressive calorie deficit because I could eat whatever I wanted!"

- Emily

"I was very surprised about the low hunger while following the calculator!"

"I’ve used the Aggressive Diet Calculator for myself to trim down body fat. I was very surprised about the low hunger while following the calculator and would rate it as a great experience overall."

- Gabriella

"That calculator helped me lose 40 lbs in 12 weeks!"

"After listening to Martin and then using the calculator, it broke years of belief around severe calorie restriction being dangerous."

- Tom

"I followed the Aggressive Diet Calculator for 3 weeks and lost 3-4kg!"

- Emma

"It gave me confidence and science-backed support"

"I used the Aggressive Diet Calculator personally to lose fat whilst continuing strength and conditioning training for general fitness. It gave me confidence and science-backed support to push past small deficit whilst maintaining muscle and energy."

- Gheila

"Successfully lost 5kg in 6 weeks."

"I used the Aggressive Diet Calculator on myself to accelerate fat loss. Successfully lost 5kg in 6 weeks."

- Suzie

"This has made calculations week to week so much easier"

"I have used this calculator to actively calculate my deficit calories with ease as my weight has dropped to ensure that I am continuing to be in a deficit even as my energy demand has reduced due to less fat tissue. This has made calculations week to week so much easier."

- Nicholas

"I've lost over 14 lbs in 26 days"

"Thought I'd share my progress so far using Martin's formula! I've lost over 14 lbs in 26 days (with pizza refeeds of course) using the aggressive dieting formula Martin has talked about in all the podcasts over the years. And with consistent 3 meals my hunger has been really good and very manageable compared when I used to diet for professional Thai boxing, doing lots of cuts as you can imagine."

- Campbell

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator in preparation for a holiday where I'd left it a little late to lose weight."

- Carl

"Worked a treat!"

"I have used the calculator a few times to work out how low I can go without feeling like am going to pass out. Worked a treat!"

- Joanna

Clients and Coaches alike have changed their lives with my Rapid Fat Loss Calculator.

"We have had phenomenal client results. On average, clients lose at least 5kg in 4 weeks in our group coaching program."

"Many clients have lost much more than this! We based a whole arm of our business around what we learnt from Martin and by using the Rapid Fat Loss Calculator we have had phenomenal client results.

Clients who have “tried everything” are suddenly getting results.

The calculator does so much of the work for us and saved us so much time.

Martin was even happy to give us advice on our group coaching program and we had our most financially successful intake yet!

We can’t recommend this enough for other coaches and even clients!"

- Sam & Kelly, SK Nutrition

"Martin's Aggressive Dieting Calculator helped me shift 60lbs!"

"I used the Rapid Fat Loss Calculator & it's been amazing - it really has helped me shift 60lbs now! 🎉

I've still had treats, meals out & the occasional glass of wine! I haven't felt like I've missed out on anything & haven't felt starved!

I had a break & didn't put any weight on while I wasn't actively dieting - feeling really motivated & positive!"

- Joy

"I've been able to get more ripped than I ever had before"

"I've used the Aggressive Diet Calculator mostly in two ways:

1) To help plan my cutting phase leading up to the summer to lose fat while keeping my muscle. This is partially for aesthetic reasons but also used it ahead of fitness events like half marathons / hyrox etc so I could drop unnecessary weight.

2) Used it to plan my macros when I wanted to eat maintenance.

I've been able to get more ripped than I ever had before, even when I've used an online coach. It also takes away a lot of mental stress - all I have to do is follow what the calculator says and I know I'm on track. I don't need to keep second guessing.

I've recommended it to any and everyone."

- Michael

"As the results were quick, it improved my motivation"

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator for the first time about 2 years ago. I saw great success. It made life simple as less decisions to make about meals, food and just have the boundaries I like. The calculator gave me confidence in calories and made me focus on the protein figure. I stuck to it for the 4 weeks. As the results were quick, it improved my motivation."

- Rowena

"The calculator has been an invaluable tool!"

"I have lost a stone since implementing the aggressive diet principles using the calculator to give me a place to start in terms of calories and a protein goal given my goals and activity levels.

I've done a 5-week stint and the weight is still dropping whilst maintaining lean body mass and good energy levels. I've even been able to continue building on my powerlifting totals.

It's been a really great opportunity to find practical ways to fit an aggressive diet phase into daily life. I can really see this approach suiting me and many of my clients as a way to reduce or maintain weight over time, by incorporating it periodically as needed.

The calculator has been an invaluable tool!"

- Angie

"I changed my body composition and lost 9kg!"

"I've used the Aggressive Diet Calculator personally and found that it gave me the tools to make the most out of an aggressive cut, and it didn't judge me. I was able to change my body composition by adhering to the ADC in short stints. I ramped up my fat loss and managed to lose 9kg without losing a massive amount of muscle mass."

- Eliera

"The Aggressive Diet Calculator helped me with the initiation of a long fat loss journey after a long, post-injury recovery."

- Anas

"I am two stone lighter and much happier!"

"I used the calculator and was successful in losing weight for the first time in years. I have used it on and off for almost a year and a half now. I am two stone lighter and much happier. I use it to keep me on track when I feel like i'm falling back into old habits"

- Olga

"I tried the Aggressive Diet approach for a client who needed to drop in body weight in a short period. Client was delighted. Was able to drop significant body weight and then hit maintenance in a short period of time."

- Meirion

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator to lose 10kg with complete ease"

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator to lose 10kg with complete ease. Despite recent obstacles, I have managed to keep 6.5kg off. I cannot wait for the updated version."

- Matt

"A faster rate of weight loss than I normally experience"

"I've used previous versions of Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator & have so far lost 4kg in 4 weeks. Which is a faster rate of weight loss than i normally experience in a smaller deficit. all the benefits Martin's listed are true too! I never thought I'd feel full consuming 800-900 calories."

- Zoe

"Overall I've lost 10.6kg and I'm managing to maintain it!"

"I think I did so well with your aggressive calorie deficit because I could eat whatever I wanted!"

- Emily

"I was very surprised about the low hunger while following the calculator!"

"I’ve used the Aggressive Diet Calculator for myself to trim down body fat. I was very surprised about the low hunger while following the calculator and would rate it as a great experience overall."

- Gabriella

"That calculator helped me lose 40 lbs in 12 weeks!"

"After listening to Martin and then using the calculator, it broke years of belief around severe calorie restriction being dangerous.

- Tom

"I followed the Aggressive Diet Calculator for 3 weeks and lost 3-4kg!"

- Emma

"It gave me confidence and science-backed support"

"I used the Aggressive Diet Calculator personally to lose fat whilst continuing strength and conditioning training for general fitness. It gave me confidence and science-backed support to push past small deficit whilst maintaining muscle and energy."

- Gheila

"I used the Aggressive Diet Calculator on myself to accelerate fat loss. Successfully lost 5kg in 6 weeks."

- Suzie

"This has made calculations week to week so much easier"

"I have used this calculator to actively calculate my deficit calories with ease as my weight has dropped to ensure that I am continuing to be in a deficit even as my energy demand has reduced due to less fat tissue. This has made calculations week to week so much easier."

- Nicholas

"I've lost over 14 lbs in 26 days"

"Thought I'd share my progress so far using Martin's formula! I've lost over 14 lbs in 26 days (with pizza refeeds of course) using the aggressive dieting formula Martin has talked about in all the podcasts over the years. And with consistent 3 meals my hunger has been really good and very manageable compared when I used to diet for professional Thai boxing, doing lots of cuts as you can imagine."

- Campbell

"I used Martin's Aggressive Diet Calculator in preparation for a holiday where I'd left it a little late to lose weight."

- Carl

"I have used the calculator a few times to work out how low I can go without feeling like am going to pass out. Worked a treat!"

- Joanna