
[Tier 1] First 100 Places


In stock


The Helix Mahony Hall, DCU, Collins Avenue, Dublin 9, Ireland


‘Full Day’ Tickets Include: Access to all talks, refreshments all day and a 2-course buffet lunch.

The first 100 tickets will receive a one-month FREE subscription to our Mentoring Lab, 50% off MNSON, a FREE Martin MacDonald t-shirt and a Mac-Nutrition Uni pop socket! This offer is worth £350 plus!!


I’ve written Talk 1 to hopefully crush any misinformation you’ve been fed & to completely reframe the way you look at nutrition. It covers:

  • The most in-depth explanation of calories and energy balance you’ve ever seen
  • Fat loss and what makes it so hard both physiologically and psychologically
  • Carbohydrates, sugar and insulin: What you need to know for your health and fat loss goals
  • Everything you need to know about ‘macros’ for optimal fat loss
  • Stress and sleep and how these impact fat loss and health
  • A deep dive into my oft-plagiarised ‘Mantra of Health’ & how you can be the healthiest version of you

Talk 2 will be a much more comprehensive look at the fundamentals of fat loss, muscle gain and the practical side of being able to optimise your nutrition to attain the body composition that you want.

You can select to secure your place at the after-party at the checkout, the cost includes entry to the venue, access to the VIP area we secure and your first drink/drinks (venue dependent).



Tickets are non-refundable, however, you are able to transfer your ticket to someone else up until one week before the event.

Please click HERE for further terms and conditions.