Aggressive Dieting Coaching Seminar | Las Vegas


Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar – Las Vegas, Alexis Park Resort

Saturday 10th August 2024



Registration – 9:30am – 9:45am

Talks – 10am – 4pm (with a break for lunch)



This seminar is going to be a smaller, more intimate, workshop-type event with very actionable content.

The idea is that a non-industry professional could go away from the event with the tools to implement the strategies effectively or that a practitioner could coach it effectively with their clients.

Rapid Fat Loss is not something that is taught, coached or executed well. Typically feelings towards it are very negative, despite the research showing that it is likely more effective than moderate deficits that most people are employing.

I will show you how to use a compassionate and health-led approach to rapid fat loss that maximises muscle retention and weight loss maintenance as well as protecting your relationship with food!

Read more here


Please click HERE for further terms and conditions.

Additional information

Ticket Releases

1st Release (£299), 2nd Release (£339), 3rd Release (£369), Final Release (£399), Reserve Ticket (£369)

How many months would you like to pay over?

Single one-off payment, 2 equal monthly payments