Martin MacDonald

Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar

Martin MacDonald

Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar

I'll be delivering my NEW Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar in Las Vegas on Saturday 10th August!

Click below for more info & to secure your place!

Las Vegas


Rapid Fat Loss is not something that is taught, coached or executed well. Typically feelings towards it are very negative, despite the research showing that it is likely more effective than moderate deficits that most people are employing.

My seminar will breakdown the research into simple terms explaining why it is so effective, how most of the objections towards it are wrong and how best to employ it (or coach it to client).

You will also get FREE access to my Aggressive Dieting Calculator 3.0.

I will show you how to use a compassionate and health-led approach to rapid fat loss that maximises muscle retention and weight loss maintenance as well as protecting your relationship with food!


Rapid Fat Loss is not something that is taught, coached or executed well. Typically feelings towards it are very negative, despite the research showing that it is likely more effective than moderate deficits that most people are employing.

My seminar will breakdown the research into simple terms explaining why it is so effective, how most of the objections towards it are wrong and how best to employ it (or coach it to client).

You will also get FREE access to my Aggressive Dieting Calculator 3.0.

I will show you how to use a compassionate and health-led approach to rapid fat loss that maximises muscle retention and weight loss maintenance as well as protecting your relationship with food!


My seminar is going to be a smaller, more intimate, workshop type event.

The idea is that a non-industry professional could go away from the event with the tools to be able to implement the strategies effectively or that a practitioner could coach it effectively with their clients.

As usual I'm sure there will likely be plenty of unplanned humour. While the humour can be 18+ this is also not a seminar topic I would allow under 18s to attend.

There are no requirements to attend however, at least a basic level of knowledge would be useful to get the most out of the day.



- Knowledge

- Opportunity to make more money with clients

- Exclusive release of Aggressive Diet Calculator 3.0

- Fat loss protocol for self/clients

- Resource?


Tour wording:

I’ve written Talk 1 to hopefully crush any misinformation you’ve been fed & to completely reframe the way you look at nutrition. It covers:

- The most in-depth explanation of Calories and Energy Balance you’ve ever seen

- Fat loss and what makes it so hard both physiologically and psychologically

- Carbohydrates, sugar and insulin and what you need to know for your health and fat loss goals

- Everything you need to know about ‘macros’ for optimal fat loss

- Stress and Sleep and how these impact fat loss and health

- A deep dive into my often plagiarised ‘Mantra of Health’ & how you can be the healthiest version of you

The Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar will show you how to use and implement all the recommendations from my Rapid Fat Loss Calculator. Clients and Coaches alike have changed their lives with my calculator.

"We have had phenomenal client results. On average, clients lose at least 5kg in 4weeks in our group coaching program."

Many clients have lost much more than this! We based a whole arm of our business around what we learnt from Martin and by using the Rapid Fat Loss calculator we have had phenomenal client results.

Clients who have “tried everything” are suddenly getting results.

The calculator is does so much of the work for us and saved us so much time.

Martin was even happy to give us advice on our group coaching program and we made had our most financially successful intake yet!

We can’t recommend this enough for other coaches and even clients!"

Sam & Kelly, SK Nutrition

Martin's Aggressive Dieting Calculator helped me shift 60lbs!

"I used the Rapid Fat Loss Calculator & it's been amazing - it really has
helped me shift 60lbs now! 🎉

I've still had treats, meals out & the occasional glass of wine! I haven't felt like I've missed out on anything & haven't felt starved!

I had a break & didn't put any weight on while I wasn't actively dieting - feeling really motivated & positive!"

- Joy

Overall I've lost 10.6kg and I'm managing to maintain it!"

"I think I did so well with your aggressive calorie deficit because I could eat whatever I wanted!

- Emily


Each event has the opportunity to network & form connections with like-minded individuals!

Following the seminar, there is usually an After-Party, which is the perfect opportunity to socialise with other individuals, coaches & trainers that you've met during the seminar!


Each event has the opportunity to network & form connections with like-minded individuals!

Following the seminar, there is usually an After-Party, which is the perfect opportunity to socialise with other individuals, coaches & trainers that you've met during the seminar!


I’ll do my best to answer questions and have any selfies during the day if, like me, you’re into that sort of thing!

After the seminar, if you’re not staying for the after-party I’ll hang around to answer questions and take photos!

I'll be delivering my NEW Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar in Las Vegas on Saturday 10th August!

Click below for more info & to secure your place!

If you're not near these locations but are interested in attending my Aggressive Diet Coaching Seminar in future, please let me know where you're based so I can plan future events!